Hiking Snowdon for Charity!
Snowdon, Wales’ highest mountain - the obvious choice for a good old Hike! So, in 2023 I have decided to tackle Snowdon and raise some money for two very important charities - Backup Tech and Steps Worldwide.
I am no stranger to a challenge, and usually have one or two on the back burner and this one has been in the pipeline for a long time!!
Many of you may think that Snowdon is easy peasy, and why would this be a challenge...people walk up there in their flip flops…but I know that I will need to train for it, get the mileage up and get some hill's under my belt so the climb doesn't feel painful from the very start!!
Over Covid-19 the need to be outdoors and exploring new places became really evident. It was an extremely difficult time for a lot of people, but most of all I became so aware of how much I felt disconnected from the outdoors and this was really hard for a farmer’s daughter who grew up in the mud!! My Mental Health was suffering, and my health, in general, was also suffering, so changes were made and Hiking became so important to get out of that rut!!
I will be raising money for Backup Tech - The UK’s Registered Technical Entertainment Charity That Provides Financial & Wellbeing Support To Technical Industry Professionals.
Their Medical Grants are tailored to an individual’s needs and can include essential living costs, medical-related expenses, advice, re-training and travel.
Their Wellbeing Support area has a range of assistance, from grants for a dedicated course of counselling, a free Helpline 24/7 providing a centralised access point for both urgent and non-urgent wellbeing support, a bursary for free Mental Health First Aider training for freelancers and support for free training on Addiction and Recovery Awareness course.
It is so important for me to feel like I am contributing something to someone who really needs the help, and Backup Tech is absolutely vital in this industry! You never know when you may need some help from them!
Steps is the leading charity working for all those whose lives are affected by childhood lower limb conditions. Everything they do is about valuing and supporting individuals, families and carers affected by conditions which have an impact on the legs, hips or feet.
They are the only charity which supports the most common and much rarer lower limb conditions. Their valuable experience can help families, individuals and carers make confident and informed decisions at what can be a confusing and difficult time. How do they do it? Well, they partner with health national systems and local communities around the world not only to raise the medical standards, care and emotional support – but also to establish them!
This charity is important to me as my husband was born with Bilateral Talipes. He doesn’t let it affect him, his work or his ambition to succeed in life and this is such a huge inspiration to me! The charity helped him and his family hugely when he was young and going through extensive operations and treatments. It’s a life-long condition, and I’d love to give something back to those who helped get him to where he is today!
Website links:
Backup Website - https://www.backuptech.uk/
Steps Website - https://www.stepsworldwide.org/
Donation page links:
Steps Donations: https://www.justgiving.com/page/steps-snowdon-2023
Backup Tech Donations: https://backup-challenge-fundraiser.raisely.com/eightysevensnowdon
Updates to follow!!