For rental companies looking to develop their team’s skills with grandMA consoles.

This 1-day course takes you through prepping a console for hire.


This course has been designed to help create a streamlined and consistent level of prep for grandMA Consoles - both grandMA2 and grandMA3.

Concentrating on topics that include software updates, resolving issues on return, basic networking and ensuring that the consoles are at their best for the end-users, this course is the perfect solution for Hire Departments that are looking to consolidate their processes.

We take your current prep methods into account to ensure we provide training that fits with your company processes.


Max 12 delegates

Consoles to be provided by the company

Training space including a TV/Projector for presentation

Frequently Asked Questions

  • In-Person

    3-Day Course

    10am - 4.30pm

  • Previous grandMA experience is not required for this course!

    A general understanding on DMX and Moving Lights is preferred.

  • Certificates of attendance will be sent out to all those who attend any session with Eightyseven Training.